khari’s barbershop open mic 12.27.23
On December 27, 2023, just two days after Christmas, Khari decided to host another open mic with his sister, Lonye. But this wasn’t just any regular open mic. It would feature a talent show complete with dancers, rappers, poets, and all types of talents. It also had guest performances from amazing souls from across the city, an awesome cast of judges, and a Chicago-style dance battle. It has been inspiring to see how far these open mics have come, from just a couple people and performers, to now having a packed house with people begging to grace the stage. This particular open mic was extremely special, because many different people came together to make it possible, and its just a testament to how powerful we are when we work together as a collective. Khari said his inspiration comes from the Chance the Rapper Open Mikes that used to be hosted at Harold Washington Library a couple years ago. His goal is to bring the city of Chicago together, promote positivity, and one day have Chance and other successful souls perform and bless the space with their presence. The next open mic is currently being planned, but it is projected to be scheduled sometimes during February, just in time for Black History Month. See you there!